Introdution, IA
Exercise 3
1 second June
2 twenty-second November
3 fifth August
4 twelfth February
5 twenty-first April
6 nineteenth October
7 third January
8 twenty-third July
9 sixth December
Introdution, IC
Exercise 4
A saxophone
B trombone
C drums
D keyboard
E violin
F trumpet
G flute
H piano
Exercise 5
1 base guitar, drums, guitar / electric guitar
2 cello, clarinet, drums, flute, oboe, piano, trumpet, trombone, violin
UNIT 1, 1G
Exercise 1
1 medium height
2 slim
3 attractive
4 a beard
5 eyes
6 long
7 hair
8 curly
Exercise 3
1 He’s tall and medium weight. He’s got dark, wavy hair and a beard. He’s got dark eyes.
2 She’s slim and medium height. She’s got long, straight, fair hair and glasses.
3 Students’ own answers.
UNIT 1, 1H
Exercise 4
Positive brave, creative, friendly, hard-working, honest, patient, polite, sensible
Negative lazy, mean, moody, rude, selfish
Exercise 5
1 lazy
2 sensible
3 An honest
4 brave
5 selfish
6 patient