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Grammar Builder 7

Exercise 1

1 got (irregular) 

2 made (irregular) 

3 enjoyed

4 bought (irregular) 

5 played 

6 drew (irregular)

7 taught (irregular) 

8 took (irregular) 

9 liked

10 had (irregular) 

11 worked 

12 built (irregular)


Exercise 2 

1 took 

2 bought 

3 built 

4 had 

5 got

6 made 

7 lived 

8 drew


Exercise 3 

2 She went to primary school last year.

3 I saw Luke’s sister on the bus to school this morning.

4 She caught the train to work at 5.45 last Monday.

5 He read a magazine at breakfast yesterday morning.

6 They brought salad to school last week.

7 She did her homework in the kitchen last night.

8 My mum came home late from work yesterday.


Exercise 4 

1 was 

2 fought 

3 found 

4 got 

5 thought

6 were 

7 fell 

8 broke 

9 spoke


Exercise 5 

2 didn’t clean 

3 didn’t have 

4 didn’t win

5 didn’t study 

6 didn’t forget 

7 didn’t buy

8 didn’t take


Exercise 6

2 I didn’t see you at the party.

3 Joe and Elli didn’t come to the cinema with us.

4 Cathy didn’t spend a year in France.

5 The lesson didn’t begin on time.

6 Tom didn’t write his name on his Workbook.


Exercise 7 

1 What time did you go to bed?

2 Did it rain in the morning?

3 Where did you do your homework?

4 How many phone calls did you make?

5 Who did you sit next to in class?

6 What did you do after school?

7 What time did you get up?

8 When did you get home from school?


Exercise 9

2 What did you do in Oxford Street?

3 How did you go?

4 How long did you spend there?

5 What time did you get back?


Exercise 10 

1 Joe took some photos.

2 What time did they arrive at school?

3 Did Andy have a good weekend?

4 Pam didn’t tidy her room. / Pam tidied her room.

5 They didn’t travel to France by plane. / They travelled to France by plane.

6 ‘Did you download the app?’ ‘Yes, I did.

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