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UNIT 2. 2B, page 13

Exercise 1  

1 got

2 weren’t listening

3 didn’t have

4 had answered

5 was following

6 had got

7 did

8 did you feel


Exercise 2
2 She hadn’t brought her camera so she didn’t take a photo.
3 We weren’t amused because the film wasn’t funny.
4 I’d read the book so I wanted to see the film.
5 He didn’t feel homesick because he wasn’t staying with an English family.
6 You weren’t feeling guilty because you hadn’t made a mistake.
7 We went out because it wasn’t raining.


Exercise 3
1 Did you feel upset after the argument?
2 I didn’t have breakfast this morning.
3 You were looking fed up at the party.
4 correct
5 They weren’t enjoying the music so they went home.
6 correct
7 She was jealous because he’d seen his ex-girlfriend.
8 We took some great photos at the festival.


Exercise 4
1 came

2 had found

3 wanted

4 put

5 went
6 had escaped

7 searched

8 were looking

9 was holding
10 had discovered

11 made

12 kept

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