Інші завдання дивись тут...

UNIT 5. 5B, page 41

Exercise 1  

1 d

2 h

3 e

4 f

5 a

6 b

7 c

8 g


Exercise 2
1 is, ’ll / will have
2 won’t pass, doesn’t study
3 lose, won’t play
4 drive, won’t be
5 won’t get, take
6 will do, doesn’t find


Exercise 3
1 I probably won’t get an LED TV for my birthday.
2 We might not go to John’s party.
3 correct
4 I may / might not have a holiday next year.
5 correct
6 Lisa might go out tonight.


Exercise 4
2 In the future, books will probably disappear.
3 In the future, libraries probably won’t exist any more.
4 In the future, people will work from home.
5 In the future, children may / might / could learn at virtual schools.
6 In the future, students won’t need notebooks.
7 In the future, schools may / might not teach foreign languages.
8 In the future, an asteroid won’t hit the Earth.

Інші завдання дивись тут...