Інші завдання дивись тут...

UNIT 7. 7G, page 64

Exercise 1  



Exercise 2
1 -> e

2 -> a

3 -> c

4 -> d

5 -> b

6 -> g

7 -> h

8 -> f


Exercise 3
1 A

2 F

3 F

4 F

5 A

6 A

7 A

8 F


Exercise 4
Students’ own answers


Exercise 5
Students’ own answers


UNIT 7. Self Check, page 65

Exercise 1
1 split up with
2 going out with
3 asked, out
4 fallen out with
5 get back together
6 make up
7 fallen in love
8 get on with


Exercise 2
1 religious
2 patriotic
3 renowned
4 romantic
5 professional
6 mystical


Exercise 3
1 ever
2 less
3 better

4 the
5 more
6 worst
7 fastest
8 least


Exercise 4
1 If only I lived in a bigger flat.
2 I’d rather you didn’t sit next to me.
3 If you didn’t play computer games, you’d have more time.
4 I wish my dad would listen to me.
5 Would you rather stay in tonight?
6 I wish I didn’t have an exam on my birthday.
7 If you studied more, you’d pass your exams.
8 I’m worried about my boyfriend. If only he’d call!

Інші завдання дивись тут...