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UNIT 9. 9B, page 77

Exercise 1  

2 He’s had his beard cut.
3 He’s had his ear pierced.
4 He’s had his glasses repaired.
5 He’s had his hair dyed.
6 He’s had his nose altered.
7 He’s had his teeth whitened.


Exercise 2
2 are having the house decorated.
3 have had the central heating serviced.
4 are going to have the grass cut.
5 are having the front door painted.
6 had a new shower fitted.
7 are going to have the whole house cleaned.


Exercise 3
2 ourselves

3 yourself / yourselves

4 himself

5 myself

6 herself

7 themselves


Exercise 4
2 a cut b cut himself
3 a look after themselves b look after
4 a control herself b control
5 a taught herself b taught
6 a hurt b hurt herself

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