Інші завдання дивись тут...

UNIT 3. 3D, page 27
Exercise 3
1 after
2 makes sense
3 starts; ends

Exercise 4
1 c

2 b

3 d

4 a

5 f

6 e

Exercise 5
2 My aunt, who is a lawyer, earns a lot of money.
3 I'd like to go to Africa, where I can work in a national park.
4 Her daughter, who lives in France, works in a laboratory.
5 He loves his job, which involves dealing with the public.
6 Last summer I visited Thailand, where my cousin lives.
7 Matthew, whose mum is a translator, wants to be an interpreter.


UNIT 3. 3E, page 28

Exercise 2 
The man is a nursery schoolteacher and the woman is an air-traffic controller.

Exercise 3
Yes, they are both good at their jobs.

Exercise 4
1 false; Jonathan was the only man who applied for the job.

1 true
3 false; Only 2% of nursery schoolteachers are men and this hasn't changed for ten years.
4 true
5 true
6 true

7 true
8 false; Caroline was surprised that the male air-traffic controllers viewed her with suspicion.
9 false; The men say that women can't read maps, which isn't true.

Exercise 6
colleague; head teacher; applicant; childminder; teacher; football coach


Exercise 7
a beauty therapist; dental assistant; flight attendant; nurse; secretary
b flight attendant; nurse
c aircraft pilot; astronaut; builder; coal miner; lorry driver; mechanic
d coal miner; mechanic

UNIT 3. 3F, page 30

Exercise 1
The job that would suit her best Is that of a waitress.

Exercise 2
You've worked in catering before, haven't you?

And you worked there for about a year, didn't you?

Exercise 3
hard-working and reliable


Exercise 5
farm worker


Exercise 6
a 4

b 5

c 7

d 1

e 3

f 2

g 6

UNIT 3. 3G, page 31

Exercise 1
1 Dan wants to apply for a job.
2 The letter is formal.

Exercise 3

2 1

3 4
4 1

5 3

6 2


Exercise 5
1 to apply for the post of
2 My responsibilities there ... as well as
3 I consider myself to be
4 If necessary,... supply
5 I would be grateful for the opportunity to
6 I will be available to
7 I am enclosing

Інші завдання дивись тут...