Інші завдання дивись тут...

UNIT 8. 8D, page 77,78

Exercise 2

1 anyone 

2 anything / nothing

3 somewhere / everywhere

4 nobody 

5 someone

6 nothing/anything 

7 everywhere /somewhere


Exercise 3

1 affirmative 

2 negative;  

3 interrogative 

4 affirmative


Exercise 4

1 somebody/someone 

2 everything 

3 something 

4 somebody / someone 

5 anything 

6 nothing 

7 Everything 

8 something 

9 somebody / someone 

10 anybody/anyone 

11 somebody / someone 

12 something 

13 anything 

14 Everybody / Everyone


Exercise 5

1 anywhere 

2 nobody/ nuone 

3 somewhere 

4 anybody/anyone


UNIT 8. 8E, page78

Exercise 2



Exercise 3

1 C 


З – 

4 A 


6 B 

7 -


Exercise 4

1 chilled 

2 mate 

3 look out for 

4 folks 

5 wobbly 

6 give you grief 

7 switched on


Exercise 5

1 yourself 

2 British 

3 possible 

4 message


UNIT 8. 8F, page 79

Exercise 3


2 b 

3 g 

4 a 

5 d


Exercise 4



3  -

4  -



7  -


9  -

10 -


Exercise 5

Making a complaint 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 

Dealing with a complaint 3, 4, 7, 9, 10


Exercise 6

1 I'd like to make a complaint.

2 I'm very sorry to hear that.

3 I'm sorry to hear there's a problem.

4 I must apologise. 

5 That's just not acceptable.

6 It's a disgrace.

7 I'm running out of patience 

8 I'm really not happy about this. 

9 I'll sort it out immediately.

10 There's really nothing I can do about it.

Інші завдання дивись тут...