Інші завдання дивись тут...

Unit 1 Generations, 1H Writing, A message, page 15

Exercise 1 

1 possible

2 Could

3 mind

4 if

5 wonder


Exercise 2

1 Could you please tidy your room?

2 Would you mind giving me your address?

3 I wonder if you could phone me later.

4 Would it be possible for you to bring me some coffee?


Exercise 3

1 C

3 A

4 D

5 B


Exercise 4

My name is Oleg. I am 15 years old and I live in Ukraine.

My family consists of four people: mother, father and elder sister.

I’m interested in different hobbies. For example: athletics, tennis and study of foreign language.

Would you mind telling me whether you are fond of watching movies?


Exercise 5

Hi!  My name is Oleg. I am 15 years old and I live in Ukraine. My family consists of four people: mother, father and elder sister. I’m interested in different hobbies. For example: athletics, tennis and study of foreign language. 

Would you mind telling me whether you are fond of watching movies? Would you mind if we are chatting using Viber, because I don’t have Skype. I’m waiting to hear from you!

Write back soon,


 Інші завдання дивись тут...

  • диана
    кто бы ни был этот Олег,я знаю,что он замечательный человек
    19 жовтня 2020 19:03
  • Витя
    Хорошая работа, Олег
    3 грудня 2020 21:18