Інші завдання дивись тут...

Unit 3 The human body, 3E Word Skills, Word families, page 34

Exercise 1 

1 anger

2 anxious

3 depressed

4 envious

5 afraid

6 happiness

7 proud

8 sadness

9 ashamed

10 surprise


Exercise 2 

2 sadly

3 Happily

4 anxiously

5 surprisingly

6 proudly

7 Hopefully

8 suspiciously

9 hungrily


Exercise 3 

A Form adjective with -ed or -ing: bore, disgust, excite, surprise

B Form adjective with -ful or -less: care, help, hope, pain, power


Exercise 4 

1 painful, surprised

2 helpful

3 annoyed, careless

4 powerful, exciting

5 boring

6 hopeless, disgusting


Exercise 5 

1 happiness

2 happy

3 contentment

4 anxiety

5 disgusted

6 Surprisingly

7 depression

8 happy

Інші завдання дивись тут...