Інші завдання дивись тут...

Unit 5 Technology, Review Unit 5, page 60-61

Exercise 1 

1 set up

2 update

3 comment

4 program

5 upload

6 forward

7 subscribe

8 install


Exercise 2  

1 Scroll down

2 Click on

3 log on

4 create

5 check

6 Enter

7 Save

8 Print


Exercise 3

1 c

2 a

3 f

4 h

5 d

6 e

7 b

8 g


Exercise 4 

1 like

2 thing

3 seems

4 look

5 think

6 see


Exercise 5 

1 a few

2 all

3 Most

4 a little

5 every

6 much

7 any

8 many


Exercise 6 

1 All the places

2 Few of my emails / Few of the emails I get

3 either of my phone chargers

4 every one of her contacts

5 None of the links

6 most of the apps


Exercise 7 

1 must have paid

2 can’t have left

3 might have broken

4 might not have lost

5 can’t have saved

6 might have passed

7 might not have read

8 must have turned


Exercise 8 

1 should have written

2 shouldn’t have taken

3 shouldn’t have put/left

4 should have installed

5 should have been

6 shouldn’t have left/put


Exercise 9

1 C

2 A

3 B

4 B

5 A

6 C

7 C


Інші завдання дивись тут...