UNIT 2, 2E Word Skills, Compound nouns and adjectives, page 25
Exercise 1
They are sports facilities in unusual places.
Exercise 2
A sea shore, tennis court, tennis player
B main road, swimming pool, tower block
C football pitch, mountain range
Exercise 3
The first word is stressed.
Exercise 4
1 flood lights, football pitch, mountain range, safety net, sea shore, tennis court, tennis player, tower block
2 swimming pool
3 main road
Type 1 has the most examples.
Exercise 5
athletics track, basketball court, bowling alley, boxing ring, climbing wall, dance studio, golf course, ice rink, weights room
football pitch, swimming pool, tennis court
Exercise 6
25-metre swimming pool
400-metre athletics track
air-conditioned basketball court, bowling alley, dance studio, weights room
brightly lit athletics track, basketball court, boxing ring, dance studio, climbing wall, football pitch, ice rink
eight-lane swimming pool
eighteen-hole golf course
full-sized swimming pool
open-air athletics track, basketball court
solar-heated swimming pool
soundproof dance studio
well-equipped bowling alley, dance studio, weights room
Exercise 7
a 4
b 3
c 1
e 2
UNIT 2, 2F Reading, Field games, page 26-27
Exercise 2
They are geocaching.
The find geocaches with their smartphones.
Exercise 3
1 a 6;
b 4, 5;
c 1, 2, 3
2 By looking for words that give clues, e.g. The writer thinks suggests that the question is about the writer’s opinion.
3 question 6
Exercise 4
1 a
2 d
3 c
4 b
5 b
6 a
Exercise 5
1 below
2 all along
3 across, all over
4 beside
5 by