Інші завдання дивись тут...

UNIT 5, 5A Vocabulary, Computing, page 52-53

Exercise 3

2 upload 

3 search 

4 update 

5 comment

6 rate 

7 set up 

8 log on 

9 subscribe

10 forward 

11 print 

12 install


Exercise 5

1 e 

2 d 

3 c 

4 b 

5 a 

6 g 




10 h


Exercise 6

1 c 

2 a 

3 c


Exercise 7

1 Don’t click on 

2 Enter 

3 delete

4 don’t follow 

5 Log on


UNIT 5, 5B Grammar, Quantifiers, page 54

Exercise 2

The gadgets monitor data about his lifestyle.


Exercise 3

1 each 

2 every 

3 a little 

4 all 

5 any 

6 no

7 a few 

8 any 

9 both 

10 many 

11 some


Exercise 4

Most of his gadgets; Every one of them; He doesn’t wear all of his gadgets


Exercise 5

1 a This means ‘I’ve got only a very small number of high-tech gadgets.’ 

  b This means ‘I’ve got a number of high-tech gadgets.’ 

2 a This means ‘I have a very limited amount of time / I don’t have enough time for computer games.’ 

  b This means ‘I have some time.


Exercise 6

1 few 

2 Most 

3 some 

4 any 

5 both

6 None 

7 little


Exercise 7

1 I have little IT homework this weekend. 

2 Most (of the) students own a computer. 

3 Few of my friends use Twitter. 

4 Both Sam and Ben love Facebook. 

5 I will text you either on Saturday or on Sunday. 

6 There are no documents in the folder. 

7 Marlon has a gadget on each wrist. 

8 I downloaded every one of the apps to my new phone. 

9 I don’t spend much time using social media. 

10 None of my gadgets are expensive.

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