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UNIT 7, 7E Word Skills, Indefinite pronouns, page 79

Exercise 1

2 pop / rock 

3 folk 

4 jazz 

5 blues 

6 hip hop / rap

7 techno 

8 country and western 

9 classical


Exercise 2

The performer walks on stage and then nothing happens.

The audience just listen to the sounds around them. 


Exercise 3

1 no one 

2 anyone 

3 everyone 

4 everybody

5 nowhere 

6 somewhere 

7 nothing 

8 anything

9 something


Exercise 4

1 affirmative 

2 negative 

3 questions 

4 -body

5 affirmative 

6 singular 

7 plural


Exercise 5

1 anything 

2 something 

3 nothing

4 somewhere 

5 anywhere 

6 anyone / anybody

7 no one / nobody 

8 everything


UNIT 7, 7F Reading, Graffiti’s softer side, page 80-81

Exercise 1

Photo 1 shows a tree at the side of a road. Its trunk has been covered with a striped patterned wool cover. 

Photo 2 shows a bus with a brightly-coloured patterned wool cover.

Photo 3 shows the statue of a boxer wearing a pink knitted top. 

Photo 4 shows a woman kneeling down next to a parking meter and putting a striped wool cover on it.


Exercise 2

Jessie Hemmons A, C 

Magda  Sayeg B, D


Exercise 3

Yes, question 6 is about the writer’s overall opinion


Exercise 4


2 a 

3 d 

4 c 

5 d 

6 b


Exercise 5

statue, pavement, stop sign, lamp post, parking meter, bus stops, bicycle racks, benches, phone boxes, fountains


Exercise 6

1 ’ve got / haven’t got 

2 ’ve got / haven’t got 

3 ’s got / hasn’t got 

4 ’ve got / haven’t got 

5 have got / haven’t got

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