Інші завдання дивись тут...

UNIT 9, Exam Skills Trainer 5, page 106-107

Exercise 1

Options that might be eliminated:

1 C and D 

2 A and B 

3 B, C and D 

4 B and C

5 A and D


Exercise 2

1 B 


3 A 


5 C


Exercise 4

1 teenagers 

2 a good idea 

3 would be offended

4 trusted 

5 interested in 

6 annoying


Exercise 5

1 ability 

2 higher 

3 difference 

4 easily

5 environmentally 

6 useful 

7 manufacturers

8 safety


Exercise 9

complain = to complain, 

delayed = was delayed; 

on the bus stop = at the bus stop; 

I’m showing = I was showing;

travel = journey; 

finaly = finally; 

inform = are informed;

sugestions = suggestions

Інші завдання дивись тут...

  • Іван
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    7 грудня 2021 16:49