Інші завдання дивись тут...

Grammar, 3.1, page 131

Exercise 1

2 You'll definitely pass all your exams. 

3 I doubt (that) it'll rain tomorrow. 

4 I'm sure (that) you'll enjoy the film. 

5 Ben might come round later. 

6 I may not go to school tomorrow. 

7 I think (that) George will know the answer. 

8 We probably won't go away this summer.


Grammar, 3.2, page 131

Exercise 1

1 don't phone; will be 

2 tell; will you promise 

3 will have; doesn't rain 

4 won't buy; lose 

5 will you do; feel 

6 give; will be able to 

7 will make; sends 

8 don't shout; won't get


Grammar, 3.3, page 132

Exercise 1

1 will be studying 

2 will be having 

3 will be shining

4 will be visiting 

5 will be packing 

6 will be staying


Exercise 2

1 will have returned 

2 won't have finished

3 won't have received 

4 will have done

5 won't have had 

6 will have been

Інші завдання дивись тут...