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Grammar, 9.1, page 141

Exercise 1

1 had driven; would have arrived 

2 had got; would have seen 

3 would have known; had listened

4 wouldn't have cut; hadn't been 

5 had had; would have called 

6 wouldn't have got; hadn't been 

7 would have passed; had worked


Exercise 2

2 If Emma had caught the bus, she wouldn't have had to walk to school. 

3 If the tickets hadn't been expensive, I'd have travelled by plane. 

4 If I hadn't eaten too much, I wouldn't have felt ill. 

5 If I hadn't spent all my money, I wouldn't have been broke.

6 If I hadn't taken a painkiller, my headache wouldn't have gone away. 

7 If we'd saved a lot of money, we'd have been able to buy a new car.


Grammar, 9.2, page 142

Exercise 1

2 We talked to a young man wanting to study in England. 

3 A suspected burglar, arrested by the police, has escaped. 

4 My uncle bought a pen made of gold. 

5 She was wearing a necklace belonging to her grandmother. 

6 Three men, coming out of the restaurant late at night, saw the robbery.


Grammar, 9.3, page 142

Exercise 1

1 c 

2 a 

3 e 


5 d


Exercise 2

1 Do you? 

2 Didn't they? 

3 Aren't you? 

4 Don't they? 

5 Does it? 

6 Can't they? 

7 Would you?

8 Wouldn't they?


Grammar, 9.4, page 143

Exercise 1

1 had you? 

2 shall we? 

3 wouldn't you? 

4 were they? 

5 will we? 

6 weren't they? 

7 aren't I?

8 didn't you?


Exercise 2

1 is it 

2 do they 

3 had we 

4 can you

5 is it 

6 would he 

7 are you 

8 shall we

9 aren't I 

10 are they 

11 don't they 

12 won't I

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