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UNIT 3, 3E Word Skills, Negative adjective prefixes, page 35

Exercise 1

They are warning people not to download or copy films, music, etc. illegally


Exercise 2

Not a problem Hannah. 

As serious as other crimes Samantha.


Exercise 3

acceptable unacceptable 

dependent independent

fair unfair 

honest dishonest 

legal illegal

likely unlikely 

surprising unsurprising 

visible invisible


Exercise 4

synonym faithful; SYN

antonym disloyal; OPP


Exercise 5

2 That answer is incorrect. 

3 It’s unkind to tease your little sister.

4 He was very impolite to me! 

5 Don’t use that old microwave. It’s unsafe. 

6 I’m dissatisfied with my exam results. 

7 That story is unbelievable.

8 This exercise is impossible!


Exercise 6

1 illegible 

2 dishonest 

3 irresponsible 

4 impatient

5 illegal 

6 impossible


UNIT 3, 3F Reading, Video games and health, page 36-37

Exercise 2

Three games are mentioned: Angry Birds, Minecraft, Farmville


Exercise 3

Question 5 is about the whole text.


1 lines 1–6 

2 lines 11–16 

3 lines 21–23 

4 lines 37–42


Exercise 4

1 d 


3 c 


5 c


Exercise 6

1 have 

2 express 

3 cause 

4 provide 

5 do 

6 get

7 use 

8 take part in 

9 make


Exercise 7

1 They think they are bad.

2 mental skills, such as thinking about objects in 3D

3 They can prevent people from feeling anxious.

4 role-playing games / RPGs

5 huge online games like Minecraft and Farmville


Exercise 8

1 How many 

2 How much 

3 How many

4 How many 

5 How many 

6 How much

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